
A great big THANK YOU to my friend Sugaree for desiging this logo for me!

There are Countdown left until the millenium! In case you haven't heard...


That's me fishing many moons ago...
for more recent pictures, check out my online photo collection!
Here's the current weather where I am... come visit if it's nice! Check out your local weather or the forecast for your travel destination if you'd like...
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Bosco's Magic Shop
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LinkExchange Member

Thanks for visiting my web page. If you have a chance, please sign my guestbook and let me know you were here. I'll start off by telling you a little bit about myself...

Down Arrow Click here if you don't care, if you already know everything about me, or if you just want to see my tapelist and links.

I've broken up my life into various parts and made separate pages for each part. Just follow the links below to find out about any of these aspects of my life. I will be adding a lot more to this eventually.

  • College
  • Family
  • Free Time
  • High School
  • Summers
  • Kosmic Charlie

  • The Good Shtuff

  • Here you can see my online photo collection, featuring a photo journal of my trip out west this summer!

  • Check out my Personal Phish Stats or calculate yours!

  • Tapelist (includes many links to bands' sites on the web)

  • Concert schedules for the Iron Horse Entertainment Group (including Iron Horse Music Hall, Pearl Street Nightclub, and the newly renovated Calvin Theatre) in Northampton, MA and Trax Nightclub in Charlottesville, VA, some of my favorite places to see live music.
      I have been maintaining the Iron Horse page since late 1995, but it's still the "unofficial" site. I started the Trax page in fall 1997 just for the hell of it.

  • Links Page (includes additional bands' sites, sites related to tapetrading, and friends' sites)

  • yeP! Lyrics Database and yeP! Tape Trees
      I have been maintaining the lyrics database and now-defunct discussion list for my buddies in yeP! since late 1996. I started the tape tree stuff in the summer of 1997, and have only run one tree so far, but look for more in the future. If you haven't already heard, yeP! recently released a double live CD, Bosco's Magic Shop. Check it out!

  • Strangefolk Setlist Database
      I started this in March 1998 after my buddy Evan Pinckney's version was deleted by his school after he graduated. Thanks to Evan, and also to Nat Koren & Steve Seremeth for doing all the original work!

  • Six Degrees Website
      Based on the well-known game, Six Degrees of Separation ("The Kevin Bacon Game"), this free website can help you connect to people worldwide.

  • For all you children of the '80s, this will bring back a lot of memories.

  • Envelope Please email me or sign my guestbook if you have any suggestions for or comments about this page.

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    View My Guestbook


    You are vistor number Counter since 1/23/96.

    Updated 7/10/99
